Closing Down the Site and the Field School

Posted by Ana Tavares, Field School Co-Director After an intense eight weeks of excavation, we reached the end of the Mit Rahina field school. So, just like the palm date pickers at the end of the harvest season, we move on… In August, the date pickers set up...

Me and the Drawings

Posted By Hassan Ramadan, Illustrator, SCA Ana asked me to draw many sections and profiles in the FAD* area. Every morning, I would go to my tent to prepare my things and then have a look at the site: it was so crowded, so noisy, with everyone otherwise discussing...

Plants From The Past

Posted by Nesreen Maher Mohamed, MRFS student, SCA The AERA 2011 Mit Rahina Field School has allowed me the opportunity to study many disciplines, including drawing, the study of animal bones, human bones and pottery. But I am actually fascinated by archaeobotany –...

Teaching and Studying Animal Bone

Posted by Rasha Nasr, Zoo-archaeologist, SCA Archaeozoology is the study of animal remains, animal related artifacts and animal related features. The study of animal bones is important because it answers questions about the past, like who, when, what and the important...

Pottery Sherds

Posted by Hassan Ramadan, Archaeological Illustrator, SCA This week, I was asked to draw an elevation of two walls in the Kom el-Falhry site dating to the Middle Kingdom. So while I was drawing it, I noticed its contents. It was built with mud brick but inside it,...