Join AERA and help us explore further!
As an AERA member, you become part of an international community that cares deeply about ancient Egyptian history and culture and helps contribute to our understanding of our common human heritage.
Your tax-deductible donation directly supports the main pillars of our mission in Egypt:
- archaeological excavation and scientific analysis
- the long-term preservation of our data and the publication of our findings
- training the next generation of Egyptian archaeologists in our field school program.
Our work in Egypt is made possible through the generous support of our members and donors. Thank you!

Your contribution will help make possible our next year of excavations and analysis in Egypt.
No archaeological project is complete until its results are published and archived for future generations. We fully archive all of our excavation data, and share our research through academic and popular publications, and the online publication of our data.
Your donation helps us maintain our archive and publish our research and raw data in scholarly publications, books, and online.

Your contribution helps provide the supplies, equipment, and staff salaries for our field school program.
AERA Membership
An annual basic membership is $65 for US residents and $85 for non-US residents (to cover international postage fees).
Membership is tax-deductible and entitles you to the following benefits:
- Print copies of AERAGRAM, our full-color glossy newsletter, with updates on our current research.
- Our Annual Report, with a yearly review of our work in the field and around the world.
- Invitations to special events and lectures.
- Our email newsletter, the AERA E-bulletin, with notices and updates on our research as it happens.
Become a Supporting Member
AERA donors and supporting members ($250+) support AERA’s archaeological excavations, publication of our findings, and educational programs aimed at advancing knowledge about our common human heritage. All donors over the annual basic membership level receive full member benefits.
Supporting members also receive Dr. Mark Lehner’s dispatches from the field. These field reports provide in-depth information on AERA’s work and preliminary reports on our new excavations. All memberships and donations are fully tax-deductible.
Become a Sustaining Member. By setting up a recurring transaction (an automatic monthly or yearly donation), you ensure your membership always stays current and provides AERA the security of a reliable donation.
Prefer not to donate online? You can also donate or become a member by printing out this form & mailing it to us at: AERA, 26 Lincoln Street, Suite 5, Boston MA 02135 USA.
Give the gift of ancient Egypt. AERA memberships and donations can be given as gifts or in remembrance. Just indicate this on the form or online donation page and we will contact you about how you would like the recipient to be notified. Email us at if you have any questions.
We respect our members privacy. We never share our membership lists with any other organizations.
Founded in 1985, AERA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit research organization located in Boston and Giza.
Your membership or donation is tax deductible. Contact us to request AERA’s latest form 990 or with any other questions about your donation or membership status.
Our scientific and educational missions are supported by philanthropic individuals, foundations, and USAID government funding, as well as USAID in collaboration with the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE). We are extremely grateful to the foundations, businesses, and individuals who support our work.
AERA-Egypt maintains the AERA-Egypt Center in Giza—a year-round base for our team, with library, archives, and meeting facilities and is registered in Egypt as a foreign NGO. AERA carries out all of its work in Egypt under the auspices of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.