In the Shadow of the Saqqara Pyramids

Posted by Pedro Manuel Lourenço Gonçalves (Cambridge University) In the shadow of the Saqqara Pyramids, right where the desert becomes fertile land, every morning a group of almost 50 people waits for the minibuses. Their tired eyes can´t hide the enthusiasm for a new...

Memphis Field School, 2011

Posted by Dr. David Jeffreys (Director of the Survey of Memphis, Egypt Exploration Society) One week into excavation and the site is certainly taking shape. The mountains of local refuse have been cleared by machine and real archaeology has begun. It is a pleasure to...

Augering at the Mit Rahina Field School 2011

Posted by Dr. Judith Bunbury (Cambridge University) I’m glad to be back in Egypt, my first visit since the revolution and a time of great optimism as well as a little uncertainty. We arrived at the site on the first day to find that it is beautifully clean and that...

Moving to Memphis

Posted by Ana Tavares This week we launched the 9th AERA/ARCE field-school, the Mit Rahina Field School (MRFS). Twenty kilometers to the south of our usual excavation site, the modern village of Mit Rahina is at the core of Memphis, the ancient capital of Egypt....