Dr. Lehner Featured in Boston Globe Magazine

AERA Director Dr. Mark Lehner’s brief interview in the February 6th issue of the Boston Globe Magazine. Click on the image to enlarge, or visit the Boston Globe Magazine’s web site at www.boston.com/magazine.

Standing Wall Island

Posted by Simon Davis Two weeks down, five to go and we haven’t even started digging yet! Well actually three weeks down now as we spent the last week under curfew and not able to work. We are at the end of our second week of work at Standing Wall Island (SWI)...

The Giza Lab Season is Underway

Posted by Mary Anne Murray The Giza Lab season is underway (well, sort of) and, with luck, will continue until May 31st!   The events of the past week have meant a slower than usual start to the Giza Lab season actually, however, the specialists are gradually arriving...

Internet Back in Egypt

Posted by Richard Redding Sorry for the interruption in our blog of the 2011 season at Giza. I know this only the second entry! Unless you live in a cave you must be aware of recent events in Egypt. We lost the internet on Wednesday the 26th and cell phones the next...

Welcome to the 2011 Giza season

Posted by Mohsen Kamel and Ana Tavares, joint-Field Directors We have just started excavations again at Giza, after a hiatus last year. During this busy hiatus we prepared material for publications, held an Analysis and Publication Field-School in Giza and a second...