
Having just traveled from one side of the globe to the other, I’m having difficulty getting oriented, as my jetlag-addled brain tries to catch up to Giza time. It also may be difficult for you to get spatially oriented to the description of an archaeological site...

Guest blogger

Brian Hunt, AERABLOG editor, will be our guest writer from the Giza pyramids in Egypt for two weeks in March 2009 during our twentieth anniversary celebration. Brian has been a volunteer with AERA since 2004 and has been the producer/writer of the AERA web site since...

Curious Structures

Archaeology always presents fun puzzles to be resolved. Mike House recently found a puzzling structure while excavating a road or ramp within the Khentkawes complex.     The structure consists of a possible square mud brick plinth or platform (1.90m x 1.70m) with an...

Late Period Burials

The excavations at Giza are off to a roaring start. One of the challenges of excavating the Lost City at Giza is that there are hundreds of Late Period burials (747-525 BC; see A Girl and Her Goddess) above the 4th Dynasty layers. They’re fascinating to study but they...

If it was easy, everyone would be doing it!

Today, Marina Milić came to the Lab to give a lecture on lithics drawing to the Illustration class of the Field School. The class is steaming ahead in all aspects of the course, as is their enthusiasm for the assignments that Will Schenck has given them. The other...