Mark Lehner featured in the Boston Globe

A new article from the Boston Globe features a discussion with Dr. Mark Lehner about his latest theories on how the ancient Egyptians used a system of canals and harbors to help build the pyramids: Read the Boston Globe article: “Did the Egyptians create a canal...

Unearthed: Secret History of the Sphinx

Earlier this year, Dr. Mark Lehner worked with a documentary film crew to digitally deconstruct & recompose the Sphinx, Sphinx Temple and Khafre Valley Temple in order to help us better visualize these structures and advance our understanding of how these...

Happy holidays from AERA!

From excavating Egypt’s ancient cities to training the next generation of Egyptian archaeologists, 2016 has been an exciting year for AERA: We continued excavations at the Lost City of the Pyramid Builders on the Giza plateau, this year focusing on the...

Return to Memphis: Field school begins its 2nd year

In September, we began work on the second year of our heritage and training project at Memphis, Egypt’s ancient capital city. Over a three month period this fall we will be training nearly 50 Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities inspectors in cultural heritage...