Posted by Dan Jones
As the 2011 excavation season at Khentkawes draws to a close, it is a chance for me to reflect on the past few weeks. The last week on site was very busy as we finished excavating, did extensive mapping to record the exposed archaeology, and organised post excavation photographs. The last few days were particularly hectic as back filling began.

Backfilling (Photo by Hilary McDonald)
Kasia and I were doing last minute note taking, checking, and measurements as the workmen moved ever closer covering the valley complex in a thick layer of sand. Although this season has been very eventful and time has as always flown by (there is never enough time!), we left the site for the last time with a sense of achievement. We answered many questions and obtained a great deal of information on the enigma that is the complex below the Khentkawes causeway.

(Photo by Hilary McDonald)

Last minute checking (Photo by Hilary McDonald)
We are back at the villa now pulling together all that new information and writing up our end of season reports. By combining this season’s work with that of the past years, we are able to build a fuller picture of the Khentkawes site as a whole. How the site was constructed, modified, grew over time, and was used is beginning to take shape and we look forward to publishing our findings.