Echoes of the Past

Using Sealing Fragments to Hear Ancient Voices by John Nolan As strange as it may sound, much of our understanding of our excavations at Giza, rests on how we interpret small, broken chunks of clay that come out of the site. These fragments come from sealings, which...

Digging in a Sand Bowl

by Dan Jones Depending on the location of the site the amount of physical and visual contact an archaeologist has with everyday life going on around where they work greatly varies. This season the AERA team is continuing its excavation of the Silo Building Complex...

It’s Coming Back To Me Now

By Hoda Ossman Khalifa (Inspector, Ministry of State for Antiquities) Until these days, I did not feel the true meaning of the above words. I worked with the team during 2012, when we discovered the “Silo Building,” and it was a marvelous season. We worked...

Animal Bones and the Silo Building Complex

By Richard Redding I am looking forward to arriving in Egypt on April 10th. Our research design this season has unified our excavation and material culture studies strategies. I will be looking at the animal bone from the Silo Building Complex (SBC) testing the idea...

A perfect start – Giza season 2014

By Ana Tavares – Joint Field Director We are back at Giza excavating in the Complex of Queen Khentkawes. As much as I enjoy the hustle and bustle of a large team and the energy of the field-school, this small and quieter season seems perfect.  With only a small team...