Charred seeds from the Khentkawes Town site
Class One: What is Archaeobotany?
Why study plant remains what do they tell us?
The History of Egyptian Archaeobotany
Sources of evidence, art, texts, macro- and micro-botanical remains
Class Two: Archaeology and Archaeobotany
Archaeobotanical methods and techniques
Sampling strategies, sample processing, seed identification, recording
Class Three: Practical work with plants and seeds
Analysis of results working with data
Understanding problems in interpretation
Class Four: Practical work
Case-studies from excavations in Egypt
Course overview
Start Time: Thursday, 5th February 2015, 5:00 pm
End Time: Thursday, 26th February 2015, 7:00 pm
Location: The Egypt Exploration Society Cairo Office, 192 El Nil Street – Agouza, Giza, Egypt.
More information is available on the Egypt Exploration Society website.