by aera | Mar 21, 2011 | 2011 Field Season, Blog
Posted by Claire Malleson Arriving in Cairo this time had an extra air of expectation to it. After the events of the past several weeks what might have changed? Well, not much yet! Not that affects the day to day business of archaeobotany (the study of ancient plants)...
by aera | Feb 16, 2011 | 2011 Field Season, Blog
Posted by Mary Anne Murray A bucket of water and a bag of dirt…an inauspicious start to a journey of discovery. This journey is an ancient botanical one and the beauty of the thing is that plants float – the key to their recovery. Indeed, the process is known as...
by aera | Mar 27, 2009 | 2009 Field Season
“Do artifacts ever leave Giza?” Good question. The answer is NO! Nothing ever leaves Giza. AERA collects and analyzes everything they excavate and everything goes into SCA-sanctioned storage. The Giza storeroom and lab are overseen by Dr. Mary Anne Murray. I have a...