What is our backsight today?

…dumpy level, total station, single context record, temporary benchmark… by Rahel Glanzmann (AFT /AUC trainee) A few weeks ago, these words had no practical meaning for me. I have a deep passion for the Ancient Egyptian culture and I try to absorb anything...

Plaster, Pits and Pots: Feeling Smug in FS1

by Freya Sadarangani (AERA Post-Excavation Manager) It’s great to be back excavating at HeG, and great to be back teaching at the AERA fieldschool. Teaching in this fieldschool is a pretty special experience for me – the students are always so incredibly keen and...

The Riddle of Standing Wall Island

by Kirk Roberts (archaeologist) It’s the first week on site, and the AERA team is excited to be back at Standing Wall Island (SWI). This year, a team of Egyptian students will be working in the Eastern part of this intriguing area, and trying to understand how...

New Archaeologist on Board

By Virág Pabeschitz (Hungarian archaeologist) Working in Egypt a stone’s throw from the pyramids? This is a real archaeologist heaven! My first impression is that the AERA team has done a very professional and important job. This excavation associated with the...

The AERA 2015 Field Season Begins!

A Season of Migration to the South By Ana Tavares (joint Field-Director) Gradually the team assembles at Giza for the 2015 excavation season. For most of us, this involves travelling south – away from cold weather, storms and snow. It is wonderful to be back in...