AERA’ s work ‘en français’

The Heit el-Ghurab and the Khentkawes sites are presented in an article in French by AERA’s archaeologist Delphine Driaux and by Ana Tavares, AERA’s co-field director. The article entitled ‘Esquisse d’une mosaïque urbaine. Villes et villages de...

Part Three: Person to Thing?

*This is the third installment of a series by AERA Sealings Team Member and Managing Editor Ali Witsell. Read part one, part two and John Nolan’s introductory sealings blog from the beginning of the season, for a refresher course on sealing terminology. So to recap a...

Part One: Worlds in Miniature

*The next installments of our field blog will be a long story in four parts, by AERA Sealings Team Member and Managing Editor Ali Witsell. Before you read these next installments, we suggest you read John Nolan’s introductory sealings blog from the beginning of...