Twentieth Year Celebration II: Lectures at the SCA

Dr. Zahi Hawass gave warm mid-day remarks about the AERA/ARCE Field School to an already packed auditorium at the Supreme Council of Antiquities on Sunday, 15 March. Dr. Hawass’ statement introduced the second half of the fascinating lectures by AERA team leaders and...

Twentieth Year Celebration I: site tours

Mark Lehner and AERA team leaders gave donors, friends, and colleagues tours of the Giza dig site on Saturday, 14 March.  This is a treat for non-specialists, as it the dig site is closed to the public and requires security clearance to access (thanks to Dr. Zahi...

Busman’s holiday

It is often the case that Friday, the only day off in Egypt, is a busman’s holiday for archaeologists. When you work in a fascinating place like Egypt, there’s never an end to fascinating things to see. When I was here in 2005, Adel Kelany and Ashraf Abd al-Aziz took...

Filling the gaps

Driving back to the hotel from the main dig site today, I was reminded of two features of the daily commute during my month digging with the AERA team in 2004: driving through the crowded suburb of Nazlet es Saman past the Sphinx and hearing three or four languages...

AERA’s new home in Cairo

As long as I’ve worked with Mark Lehner’s team (5 years), AERA has been looking for a permanent home near the field work at the Giza Pyramids. We’re thrilled to announce that it now has one, paid for by private donations. There has never been a time when your support...