Our Publications

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A 3D reconstruction of a Gallery

Newsletters and Reports

Our newsletters and reports are available as free PDF downloads. These include:

  • AERAgrams (our biannual newsletter)
  • AERA Annual Reports
  • Giza Occasional Papers (preliminary field season reports)
  • Oriental Institute Annual Reports
AERA publications


Books available as free PDF downloads include:

  • AERA Object Typology
  • Treasures from the Lost City of Memphis
  • A Manual of Egyptian Pottery

Books by AERA staff available for purchase include:

  • The Red Sea Scrolls: How Ancient Papyri Reveal the Secrets of the Pyramids
  • Giza and the Pyramids: The Definitive History
The Great Sphinx of Giza

Online Data

We are committed to fully archiving all our data and making these archives available to the global public through online platforms.

Collections available to date include the ARCE Sphinx Project and Giza Botanical database. 

Featured Publications

AERAgram 23

AERAgram Volume 23

The most recent AERAgram newsletter is only available to our members, but previous issues are free to download.

The most recent issue available online includes these articles:

  • Silos 2022: End Game at Heit el-Ghurab?
  • A Tale of Two City Districts: A New Story at SWI
  • Copper at Giza
  • Art and Accounting of the Heb Sed: Sculptures as accounting records
  • Water from Below, Water from Above: History & Climate
AERA Object Typology book cover

AERA Object Typology

This richly illustrated book is intended to be used as a reference work for archaeologists working on other Egyptian (Old Kingdom) settlement sites.

This representative sample of everyday tools was selected from our massive collection and is the result of work on the material culture at Giza by a large team of specialists over more than 30 years.

The Red Sea Scrolls book

The Red Sea Scrolls: How Ancient Papyri Reveal the Secrets of the Pyramids

Pierre Tallet’s discovery of the Red Sea Scrolls—the world’s oldest surviving written documents—was one of the most remarkable moments in the history of Egyptology.

These papyri, written some 4,600 years ago, and combined with Mark Lehner’s research, changed what we thought we knew about the building of the Great Pyramid at Giza.

Giza and the Pyramids book cover

Giza and the Pyramids: The Definitive History

In this definitive book, Mark Lehner and Zahi Hawass provide insights into the history of the Giza plateau based on over 40 years of excavation and study.

The monuments are brought to life through hundreds of illustrations, including photographs of the monuments, excavations, and objects, as well as plans, reconstructions, and images from remote-controlled cameras and laser scans.

Treasures from the Lost City of Memphis

Treasures from the Lost City of Memphis

The first detailed catalog of the remarkable collection of artifacts from the Mît Rahîna museum.

This volume provides a comprehensive presentation of both the museum’s history and a catalog of its treasures, lavishly illustrated and researched, and presented against an informative backdrop of the excavation history of Memphis.

A Manual of Egyptian Pottery

AERA Field School Manual: Egyptian Pottery

This four-volume publication covers all Egyptian pottery from the earliest (Fayum A) ceramics to pottery made in Egypt today, organized by historical periods. The manuals are quick identification guides as well as starting points for more extensive research.

The first comprehensive guide to Egyptian pottery, this set will prove valuable to students as well as experienced field archaeologists.