Back To The Future

Posted by Lamia el-Hadidy, Archaeological field conservator In the beginning of my career as an archaeological field conservator, I worked here in Kom el- Fakhry just a few meters east of the field school concession, as well as in other projects in Mit Rahina later...

AERA Osteologist In Upcoming Lecture Series

October looks to be a busy month for AERA Osteologist Jessica Kaiser. As part of the 116th year of the Lecture Program put on by the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), Kaiser will take part in four speaking engagements in a five-day span. Traveling between the...

Giza Sun-Dried-Brick Field Typology

Posted by Ashraf Abdel Aziz, MRFS supervisor, SCA When I started to study sundried bricks in 2005, I had no clear plan because so many studies had already been done. I said to myself, “What can I add to the abundant brick studies which cover bricks as an architectural...

Being a Student at the MRFS

Posted by Nahlaa Refaat Mahmoud, MRFS Student, SCA inspector The ARCE/AERA Field School in Mit Rahina 2011 is training the next generation of archaeologists. I’ve heard, met and known many of their graduates and they encouraged me to apply. In the interview, which was...

Mit Rahina: Team Effort

Posted by Dan Jones and Mike House Time is flying by and we are almost in week four of the field school program. Since arriving at Kom Fahkry, the students have been enthusiastically learning the key aspects of archaeological work. While on site, they have received...